My Loves

My Loves

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Family excitement

I am so excited to see my family! 1 week until the first of the crew arrives! This week sure will creep by. These pics are from when I went to visit grandpa and grandma last summer. I am so happy they live closer than when in Arizona, only 7 hours away now. Grandpa and Grandma are forgoing the lake experience and will be joining us in Memphis on Sunday - Fathers Day!
Today I received a call from my OBGYN, the ultra sound tech is in the hospital and won't be able to do my U/S next week. I was very sad, I am so excited to find out what it is. Later I received another call that they found a clinic that will do my U/S for me on Tues! Yay, it is going to work out! Less than a week and we will know--boy or girl?
Hope all is well with you and yours!

1 comment:

Southern Mama said...

Are those pics from when you were in Gulf Shores the same time as us?
Anyway, I hope all is well. Can't wait to hear the news about the baby!

Love you,