My Loves

My Loves

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

the popcorn store

yup, you guessed it. pretty much one of our favorite places on earth! the pic of him is terrible, but he is happy with his icee and popcorn! we have backed off of our frequent trips to target, but manage to stop in at least once a week.

today was so exciting because of this....

woop woop, all new stuff in the dollar zone. just look at how packed the shelves are! i went today to check out treasure box goodies for my classroom. didn't find much of that, but saw some cute things for halloween.

i did score a great find, but didn't take a pic of a rug i purchased for my classroom. it will go in the block center and has a perfect "road" for racing cars! it was on sale for $20, normally $60 in the catalogue! yay!

happy targeting!

1 comment:

Laura Meier said...

Glad you're back to doing this!! Love reading it even though I know it all ready!!